Friday, October 16, 2015

Topic 1

  • What is the topic you are reading about?    Air Pollution.
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog.  "Air Pollution." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences.    Industrial pollution has a great impact on the atmosphere mainly because the burning of fossil fuels like natural gas and coals. Such action brings carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere which causes negative impacts such as global warming.Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It is proven that sulfur dioxide can open up the ozone layer which causes direct radioactive UV goes into earth. Also global warming can be caused due to overproduction of carbon dioxide.

  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed. What negative effects can be caused by air pollution? How does air pollution caused global warming?
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand. Adversely
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?) The knowledge involved about chemistry in this article.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition  meaning. Write it down. Adversely: unfavorable or antagonistic in purpose or effect
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion. Propose one way you can prevent more air pollution.

1 comment:

  1. This is good Junlang. It sounds like you wrote in your own words which was exactly what I wanted you to do.
